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Remote Learning Resources

Students who are interested in learning some math and science during the ‘shelter in place’ order and are unable to get the information through their schools, are invited to receive free classes/tutoring.  These resources are being offered as a community service, by Almaden residents, to those in need of help during this difficult time.  If you are interested in these services, please contact the teacher/tutor directly to make arrangements.

5th-8th Grade Math

Vandana Kadam is the Treasurer and Education Chair for AVCA. She is the Department Chair & math teacher at a private school in the area and has been a middle school math teacher for 22 years. She is offering free 30-minute zoom sessions this week during her school’s Spring Break.  If there is continued need, she will happily offer session in the evenings through April.


The sessions will run every Monday and Wednesday from 5:00 to 5:45pm.


All students grades 5 to 8 are welcome; the session will break up into breakout sessions according to the students' current grade level and curriculum.



The link to join is


Meeting ID: 846 341 283

Password: 323733


Calculus and Physical Sciences

Michael Lee is the Transportation Chair and past-Treasurer for AVCA. He has a Ph.D. in physics from UIUC, has tutored calculus off and on for many years, and is highly knowledgeable in other physical sciences and technical areas. He also has good insight on why a student may have difficulties in certain areas.


Michael is available by email or phone only (no video) and is especially interested in helping those with limited financial means.  Contact him directly at

SAT II / AP Chemistry

Donna Zangeneh is the Hospitality and Grant Chairs for AVCA.  She has a MS degree in Chemistry from SJSU, where she also taught Chemistry.  She worked for 4 years as a tutor at a college consulting firm, helping students prepare for taking their SAT Chemistry or AP Chemistry tests.  She is happy to provide help with last minute questions.  She uses Google Hangouts and can be reached at

Homeschooling Support

There are many parents in Almaden whose K-12 students are educated outside of the public and private school systems.  They will tell you, what you are experiencing now is NOT homeschooling.  This is “crisis schooling”.  Huge difference!  A clear, and encouraging look at both, including helpful suggestions, can be found at


  If you need some support, encouragement, and resources, for handling learning during this crisis, please contact Michele Dexter at and she can connect you with some parents who are willing to share what they have learned.

Chemistry Resources

Jane Frommer is a long-time member, and recent Candidate Forum moderator for AVCA.  She has a PhD in Chemistry from California Institute of Technology.  She shares this exciting resource for learning chemistry at home.  The American Association of Chemistry Teachers has videos and lesson plans covering many aspects of Chemistry for Elementary, Middle, and High School students.  These resources are normally only available to teachers with a registered account.  However, for a limited time, they are offering these resources to the public in order to help students continue their education at home.


Visit their website at  NOTE: The link says through March 31, but the website has been updated to extend through April 17.

For Children of First Responders - Free Art Classes

To show our appreciation to San Jose Covid-19 front-line police and medical personnel, Meiying Art Studio would like to offer free online art classes to their children from April 13 to May 9. Wednesday 3:30-4:15, Thursday 5:00-6:15pm. Space is limited. First come first serve.


Please register now at with student name, age, phone number and email address. For more information please check

The Almaden Valley Community Association (AVCA) is pleased to be able to share these resources with the community.  These services are not provided by AVCA, and AVCA is not responsible for content or outcome.

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